Register your school for an Agriculture Discovery Day.
Students will participate in hands-on activities and thought-provoking discussions that cover topics like sustainable farming practices, the journey of food from farm to table and the diverse career opportunities in agriculture.
Whether you're learning about the science of agriculture, the economic impact on communities or the role of farmers and producers, each presentation is designed to foster critical thinking and a deeper appreciation for the food we eat and the farmers who produce it.​
Book your presentation below!!​​​​​
Ag Discovery Days: Understanding How Agriculture Shapes Our Lives

Understanding the Food Value Chain
Role of Farmers
Economic Impact of Agriculture
Innovations in Agriculture
Sustainable Practices
Food and Nutrition

Food Security and Accessibility
Climate Change and Agriculture
Soil Health and Farming
Water Management in Agriculture
Careers in Agriculture
Hands-On Learning Stations

How To Register:
Create an Account:
Click HERE to create yours! If you've already signed up for one of our programs or inquired about our lesson plans, you may already have an account set up. -
Once you're registered, you can easily book your Agriculture Discovery Day presentation.
Program Matching: After registration, our team will review your class details and confirm back.
Agriculture Discovery Day: The Ag for Life team will visit your school and deliver an engaging, interactive presentation.

This program is funded by: