Curriculum Connections
Grade 5 Science
Earth Systems: Understandings of the living world, Earth, and space are deepened by investigating natural systems and their interactions.
Conservation agriculture is a sustainable practice that responds to local climate and weather events.
Conservation agriculture practices are adapted to the requirements of plants and animals farmed.
Agricultural practices involve monitoring and responding to climate or weather events such as
Conservation agriculture practices include
minimizing soil disturbance
maintaining soil cover
using water efficiently
using sustainable harvesting practices
Sustainable harvesting practices support the maintenance of stable plant or animal populations over time and include
crop rotation
companion planting
limiting hunting and trapping
considering future harvests​
Grade 7 Science
Unit A: Interactions and Ecosystems (Social and Environmental Emphasis) Overview: Ecosystems develop and are maintained by natural processes and are affected by human action. To foster an understanding of ecosystems, this unit develops student awareness of ecosystem components and interactions, as well as natural cycles and processes of change. Building on this knowledge, students investigate human impacts and engage in studies that involve environmental monitoring and research. By reflecting on their findings, students become aware of the intended and unintended consequences of human activity, and recognize the need for responsible decision making and action.
Unit B: Plants for Food and Fibre (Science and Technology Emphasis) Overview: Humans have always depended on plants as a source of food and fibre, and to meet a variety of other needs. To better meet these needs, technologies have been developed for selecting and breeding productive plant varieties and for maximizing their growth by modifying growing environments. Long-term sustainability requires an awareness of the practices humans use and an examination of the impacts of these practices on the larger environment
GRADE 9 Science
Unit A: Biological Diversity (Social and Environmental Emphasis) Overview: Biological diversity is reflected in the range of species found in local and global environments and by subtle variations in characteristics found within individual species. In this unit, students learn that diversity is maintained through natural processes of sexual and asexual reproduction, though the survival of individual species—and variations within those species—may be influenced by ecological and human-caused factors.
Unit C: Environmental Chemistry (Social and Environmental Emphasis) Overview: Environments are often viewed from a physical and biological perspective, but to fully understand how they function, it is important to view them from a chemical perspective as well. A study of environmental chemistry helps students understand that chemical substances make up the underlying fabric of the world and are part of the process in all natural cycles and changes.
The environmental impact of agriculture varies based on the wide variety of agricultural practices employed around the world. Some of the environmental issues that are related to agriculture are climate change, deforestation, dead zones, genetic engineering, water, pollutants, soil degradation, and waste. Developing a global food system that both achieves food security and reduces agriculture’s environmental impact is one of the foremost challenges of our time.
Agriculture & the Environment
A key challenge for the agriculture sector is to feed an increasing global population, while at the same time reducing the environmental impact and preserving natural resources for future generations. Agriculture can have significant impacts on the environment. While negative impacts are serious, and can include pollution and degradation of soil, water, and air, agriculture can also positively impact the environment, for instance by trapping greenhouse gases within crops and soils, or mitigating flood risks through the adoption of certain farming practices. Saskatchewan farmer Cherilyn Nagel talks about how pesticides and plant biotechnology help ensure her farm is more sustainable than ever.
Guiding Questions:
What are the social, economic, and environmental impacts of feeding the world?
How does innovation in agriculture lead to improved sustainability?
How can my consumer choices affect sustainability?
Canadian farmers are more efficient and innovative than ever, using increased precision and automation. And Canada’s food processing sector is strong, diversified and dynamic. View this video to learn how Canada’s agricultural and agri-food sector is poised for continued success.
What's being done on farms today? View these videos showcasing Alberta farmers and their environmental stewardship practices.
Let's Keep GROWing
Want to dig deeper into the topic?
Discover our Agriculture and the Environment lesson plans, crafted specifically for middle school students to explore the intricate connections between agriculture and the environment. These engaging resources dive into vital topics such as water conservation, air quality, biodiversity, soil health and sustainability in a manner that seamlessly aligns with school curriculums.
Spark meaningful discussions and cultivate a deeper understanding of how our actions impact the world around us. Download our student-friendly lesson plans today to enrich your classroom experience and and challenge your students to think critically about agriculture and the environment.
Additional Resources
Illustrated video series (12) by Dr Evan Fraser​
Article: Feeding 9 Billion​