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Ag for Life Introduces Strategic Advisory Committee


NEWS RELEASE: Ag for Life Introduces Strategic Advisory Committee to Foster Collaboration Between Energy and Agriculture Sectors in Alberta

(Calgary, Alberta) – Alberta is a great example of where boundaries between energy and agriculture often seem invisible - particularly when seen against the backdrop of opportunities presented by the sustainability movement.

That's a part of Agricultural for Life's (Ag for Life) ongoing evolution, it has created a unique strategic advisory committee composed of key leaders from both sectors. The committee will advise the board on key trends in the two sectors and on how Ag for Life might be able to establish leadership positions in new spaces created when cross-sectoral opportunities present themselves.

"Anyone who knows Alberta knows these two sectors are the foundations on which the province is built," noted Ted Menzies, Chair of the Board of Directors. "We think Ag for Life has a great opportunity to help even further align the sectors in real ways that create measurable and positive impact. That means creating dialogues and with those dialogues, new opportunities. That could create a new Alberta Advantage for generations to come."

Menzies further expressed, “Ag for Life is uniquely positioned to bring diverse stakeholders together to share ideas and advance opportunities with key partners. This type of collaboration is critical today as new technologies are opening doors to our next generations to grow a new sustainable advantage for the province.”

"We are excited to share the news about our new strategic advisory committee,” says Luree Williamson, CEO of Ag for Life. “The formation of this committee aligns seamlessly with our strategic planning by uniting influential leaders from both the energy and agriculture sectors. Together, we can explore and embrace fresh opportunities for growth.”

The 12-person advisory committee will include educators, primary producers from both sectors, innovation ecosystem representatives and industry association leaders, among others.

"We believe the cross-section of people we've invited are people who already operate at, or close to, the various intersections of both sectors," noted board treasurer Bill Whitelaw, who also chairs the Canadian Society for Evolving

Energy and represents the energy sector on the Ag for Life board. "What we are keen to find out is how Ag for Life might create new programming and new partnerships by creatively aligning key trends in both sectors. Just thinking about what environmental sustainability means to both sectors, for example, opens up many possibilities and new conversations."

The advisory committee's inaugural meeting will be held in the early fall. Then, members will advise the board on key trends in both sectors and provide guidance on innovative ways to program new services and integrate initiatives into existing programs.

About Ag for Life

Ag for Life (Agriculture for Life) has the mandate to deliver educational programming designed to improve rural and farm safety while building public understanding around the agricultural industry.

Ag for Life is made possible through the funding and commitment of companies that employ almost 20,000 people in more than 350 Alberta communities. Founding Members include AdFarm, Glacier FarmMedia, Nutrien, Rocky Mountain Equipment and UFA Co-operative Limited. Find out more at


For more information, contact:

Irena Ceko, Communications Specialist



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